Build Insane Triceps by Doing Skull Crushers – Laz – Tymoff

The triceps are one of the largest muscle groups in the back of the upper arm, and skull crushers are an effective exercise to target this muscle and help it grow. As the name suggests, skull crushers work the triceps through a pushing motion while lying on your back on a flat bench.

By lowering a dumbbell or barbell towards your head in a controlled fashion and then pushing it back to the starting position, skull crushers engage the triceps through a full range of motion.

When performed consistently with proper form and progression in weight over time, this classic triceps exercise can help achieve impressive arm development by putting progressive overload on the triceps muscles. Let’s dive in and explore the power of build insane triceps by doing skull crushers – Laz – Tymoff style!

What are skull crushers, and how do they target the triceps?

Skull crushers are an exercise that targets the triceps muscles on the back of the arms. To perform a skull crusher, you lie on your back on a flat bench while holding a dumbbell or barbell above your head.

Keeping your upper arms fixed, you lower the weight towards your forehead by bending at the elbows. This brings the weight down to around face level before straightening the arms back to the starting position to complete the rep. The lowering and pressing motions isolate and work the triceps as the primary movers throughout the movement range.

The benefits of including skull crushers in your workout routine

The benefits of including skull crushers in your workout routine

Adding skull crushers into your triceps focused workouts provides many benefits. As an isolation exercise targeting just the triceps, it allows you to concentrate effort purely on this muscle group for maximized growth.

Regularly performing skull crushers also improves elbow stability and range of motion. With consistent training, skull crushers can help you achieve bigger, stronger and more defined triceps muscles.

Proper form and variations of skull crushers

There are some key points to maintaining proper form for skull crushers. Keep your upper arms fixed to your sides throughout the motion. Lower the weight in a controlled fashion until it is around forehead level before pressing back.

Avoid swinging or jerking motions. Variations include using dumbbells instead of a barbell, adding different grip widths, and performing the movement on an incline or decline bench to alter the workout challenge and muscle recruitment.

Proper form and variations of skull crushers

Some common form mistakes to avoid include allowing the upper arms to rise off the bench, swinging the weight instead of controlling the movement, loosening grip on the barbell, and failing to straighten arms fully at the top. Maintaining tight form with the elbows close to the sides of the head is key.

Tips for maximizing tricep gains with skull crushers

To maximize gains, lower the weight in a 3-second count and push it back up in 2 seconds to elongate muscle tension. Go down until the weight is near the forehead but don’t touch to avoid shoulder injury. Increase weight used over time and do 2-3 sets per session, 2-3 times per week for steady progression.

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Sample workout incorporating skull crushers

Sample workout incorporating skull crushers

This full body workout includes skull crushers on the second exercise day:
Day 1 – Chest/back
Day 2 – Arms/shoulders

Barbell skull crushers 3×12
Overhead triceps extensions 3×12
Triceps dips 3×15
Lateral raises 3×12
Front raises 3×12
Day 3 – Legs
This splits up pushing movements while giving the triceps a focused workout using skull crushers as the prime exercise.

Conclusion: Unleash your tricep potential with skull crushers

The triceps are an often overlooked muscle group, but including skull crushers in your training is a key way to unlock their full potential. Build Insane Triceps by Doing Skull Crushers – Laz – Tymoff , as an isolation exercise targeting just the triceps, skull crushers allow you to systematically track progress over time by adding more weight on the bar.

Following proper form and the tips discussed in this article will ensure you’re getting the most out of every rep. With consistency in performing skull crushers 2-3 times per week, combined with other triceps exercises, your arms are guaranteed to transform to new levels of size, strength and definition. Don’t rest until your triceps are fully developed – embrace the burn of skull crushers to unleash your tricep power and build insane arms.

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